Elmira, NY

(607) 734-4582

Horseheads, NY

(607) 739-8318

Waverly, NY

(607) 565-8128


Signs You Have Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can cause extensive pain and discomfort due to the nail pressing against the skin. Ingrown nails should be treated as soon as possible to prevent infection and other issues. The board-certified podiatrists at Thurber & Thurber Podiatric Medicine & Foot Surgery in Horseheads, Waverly, and Elmira, NY, treat ingrown toenails.

Symptoms of Ingrown Toenails

Nails that grow too close to the skin can become ingrown. Pain, discomfort, and inflammation develop from the toenail digging into the skin or pressing against it. Some common signs you have ingrown toenails include:

  • Discomfort and pain
  • Tenderness on the side of the toenail
  • Inflammation of the skin around the nail
  • Redness of the skin around the nail
  • Infected skin around the toenail
  • Pus around the toenail

Causes of Ingrown Toenails

Several factors can cause toenails to grow too close to the skin and become ingrown. Some reasons why toenails become ingrown include:

  • Trauma to the toenail or toe
  • A fungal infection of the toenail
  • Wearing tight-fitting shoes and socks
  • Trimming or cutting toenails too short
  • Certain medical conditions
  • Poor foot structure
  • Heredity

Treatments for Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenails should be treated promptly to prevent infection, which could lead to the development of other problems. Additionally, the skin around the ingrown toenail could start growing over the nail without treatment. Some steps you can take at home to ease the discomfort of an ingrown toenail include wearing loose-fitting shoes and socks that do not put pressure on the toes and soaking the feet in warm soapy water several times a day. Be sure to dry the feet thoroughly afterward to prevent infection.

At our podiatry offices in Horseheads, Waverly, and Elmira, NY, ingrown toenails can be treated using several different methods. Common treatment options include antibiotics to clear up any infection that might be present and surgical removal of the portion of the toenail that is ingrown. The procedure involves injecting the toe with an anesthetic and carefully cutting out a thin strip of nail. A special solution is then applied to the area to prevent that portion of the nail from growing back and becoming ingrown again.

Preventing Ingrown Toenails

Several steps can be taken to prevent toenails from becoming ingrown in the first place. Steps include:

  • Avoid cutting toenails too short
  • Cut toenails straight across and do not round the corners
  • Wear properly fitting shoes and socks that do not put pressure on the toes
  • Keep the feet clean and dry to prevent fungal infections
  • Treat fungal infections immediately

If you are dealing with ingrown toenails, we can help. Schedule an appointment with one of our skilled providers to discuss treatment options for your ingrown toenails. Call Thurber & Thurber Podiatric Medicine & Foot Surgery in Horseheads, Waverly, or Elmira, NY, at (607) 739-8318 for Horseheads; (607) 565-8128 for Waverly; or (607) 734-4582 for Elmira.

Contact Us

Our Location

Hours of Operation

Elmira Office

Monday - Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:


Horseheads Office

Monday, Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday - Thursday:

8:30 am | 5:00 pm + evening hours

Saturday, Sunday:


Waverly Office

Monday - Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:
