Elmira, NY

(607) 734-4582

Horseheads, NY

(607) 739-8318

Waverly, NY

(607) 565-8128


Bunions Causes And Treatment

A bunion is a bony bump on the side of the foot near the big toe that can cause pain and discomfort as the interior of the shoe rubs against it. Bunions do not go away on their own and can lead to further problems if left untreated, so it is best to see a podiatrist for treatment. Your podiatrists at Thurber & Thurber Podiatric Medicine & Foot Surgery in Horseheads, Waverly, and Elmira, NY, treat bunions.

Bunion Causes

  • Genetic: We inherit many traits from our parents, not just height or hair color. You may note that many of your family members have similar foot shapes… and bunions!
  • Mechanics: Your foot type, either inherited or acquired by injury,  may predispose you to poor biomechanics. This causes the foot to be in an “unlocked” position as you apply body weight to while standing or walking. The foot will then splay, emphasizing the deformity. 

Bunion Treatments

Treatment of the bunion can involve surgical or non-surgical treatment. Splints and spacers will not reposition your toe.

  • Surgical Treatment: This is the most direct method as it addresses the structural deformity and realigns the bones involved in the deformity. Generally, this is a same-day outpatient hospital procedure. Patients choosing this route will likely be out of work or school for 4-8 weeks.
  • Non-surgical treatment generally involves identifying and managing the mechanical issues causing the foot to splay. Patients with intermittent bunion pain or those not yet able to commit to the time frame needed for surgery generally choose this option. Non-surgical treatments include:
    • Recommendations for specific types of footwear that can accommodate the bunion without irritating it
    • A custom foot  orthotic device to stabilize the foot (reducing the splay)
    • Foot exercises to prevent stiffness, as well as improve joint mobility and function

Bunions can make an activity as simple as walking painful and difficult. Left untreated, bunions can lead to ongoing discomfort, as well as the development of other foot conditions. For the treatment of bunions in Horseheads, Waverly, and Elmira, NY, call Thurber & Thurber Podiatric Medicine & Foot Surgery at (607) 734-4582 for Elmira; (607) 739-8318 for Horseheads; or (607) 565-8128 for Waverly.

Contact Us

Our Location

Hours of Operation

Elmira Office

Monday - Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:


Horseheads Office

Monday, Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday - Thursday:

8:30 am | 5:00 pm + evening hours

Saturday, Sunday:


Waverly Office

Monday - Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:
